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July 15, 2024
Hi Democracy Warriors,

We wanted to let you know where IN-SLWM stands in the midst of all the intra-party turmoil around President Joe Biden's candidacy.

While our Steering Committee does not have consensus about whether or not Joe Biden 'should' be our candidate, we are very clear and united on the commitment of every one of us doing all we can to re-elect a Democratic president (whether that is Joe Biden or someone else), flip the House and hold the Senate.  Not to mention electing as many Dems as possible in state and local races.

We are clear and united in the urgency of our focusing on the places over which we actually have control (which is electing our candidates - not, at this point, on determining who those candidates are).

We know how to do this - we've been doing it - and winning - since 2017!  

So, let's continue to write cards & letters, make phone calls, donate, show up in the streets and talk to our neighbors and family, not about our worries over our own candidates but about our worries over the dangers of MAGA, Project 2025, and Trump.  

We know that whatever your stance about Biden's candidacy, we are all united in wanting to save our democracy, and being willing to take the actions needed to do so.  Together.

Ever onward!

In solidarity,
IN-SLWM Steering Committee

Here are a few tips if you run into a problem joining the Zoom meeting.
For the safety of our community, we are conducting our meetings online until conditions permit us to resume assembling in person.
Monday July 15th at 7 PM

Fighting for Our Reproductive Rights
& ALL Our Freedoms!

Dr. Carrie Baker
Dr. Carrie Baker

If you're familiar with Project 2025, MAGA's roadmap to transforming our country into a Christian Nationalist autocracy, then you know that reproductive freedom is only the tip of the iceberg of all the freedoms and democratic norms to be dismantled beginning on Day 1 of the next Republican presidency.

And in those states where MAGAs have the (often gerrymandered) power to do so, they've already started down the path of dismantling the separation of Church & State (think Louisiana & Oklahoma); Texas - criminalizing abortion, Florida - demonizing non-cis, non-heterosexual peoples and literally whitewashing education, and more.

We need to see very clearly where we are now, and the paths that lay before us. And, we need to use this open-eyed awareness to effectively fight off this backlash, and to powerfully guide our strategies moving forward. Not just to win back what we've lost, but to strengthen and expand what we have yet to achieve.

All of this is possible.

Join IN-SLWM Monday, July 15th, 7-8pm to hear from Dr. Carrie Baker, about where we are now, and how to move forward on the path to protecting, strengthening and expanding our freedoms - beginning at the iceberg's tip - women's bodily autonomy.
Fighting for Our Reproductive & ALL Our Freedoms
with Dr. Carrie Baker!

Monday, July 15th, 7 - 8 pm ET on Zoom
Click to Register in advance for this meeting

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
As always, bring along your anxiety and your hope, your friends and your questions - and see you Monday!
Saturday July 20th  3-4:30 PM

In-Person, Activist Afternoon!
25 Mountain Laurel Path, Florence
(Pathways Cohousing)
Let's gather in community 
and help save democracy together!

Join IN-SLWM & friends for our July Activist Afternoon!

This month, we'll  be writing letters, as part of a unique and powerful multi-pronged effort to increase Democratic turnout in PA, find out about phone and textbanking, and have good conversations about why we MUST win, while doing the actions that will ensure that we DO win! 

Join like-minded progressives for an afternoon of ACTION, along with schmoozing, snacking, and connecting in person!

Sign up at this Mobilize link, bring friends, and let's save democracy the best way of all - together!

In Person Activist Afternoon!
Saturday, July 20th, 3-4:30pm
Pathways Cohousing
25 Mountain Laurel Path, Florence
Sign up here!
Building is accessible, but please park on the road, if you can.
Wednesay August 8th at 7PM
Grassroots Collaboration Project’s
“Man Up” Initiative Monthly
'Open Mic' Zoom Call
Since Donald Trump’s election in 2016, Democratic election victories have become synonymous with saving democracy itself. Women have been disproportionately represented in the ranks of the volunteers actively and publicly fighting year-round for Democratic wins. The stakes are so high in 2024 and the need for volunteers so great, it’s time for men to step up to the plate and join women.

Already donating to Democratic candidates and causes? Already supporting the women in your life who are devoting many hours to activism? It's all good, but volunteering is still important! The Grassroots Collaboration Project has started an initiative called "Man Up" to encourage and support men to step in and step up. You can read all about Man Up here. We applaud and honor all of the work (mostly) women have done over these eight years – but imagine the boost our efforts would get from an infusion of additional men volunteers representing even 10-20 percent of our current active volunteers!

Man Up has begun offering a monthly “Open Mic” Zoom call for any men interested in talking about volunteering – telling their experiences, asking questions, or just listening. 
Join us in the conversation!
MAN UP Initiative Open Mic
Wednesday, August 8th, 7-8PM
RSVP here!

For more information, contact Michael Dover at
Thursdays, from 5-7pmET on Zoom
Flip the Ohio Supreme Court
and Re-elect Senator Sherrod Brown
(Next one is July 18)

This November, we have the chance to flip the Ohio Supreme Court - the court that will be ruling on the new, citizen passed Reproductive Rights amendment, redistricting issues and more.

See this recent David Pepper substack for more info on the crucial importance of this race!

At the same time, we'll be reminding voters of the importance of re-electing Sherrod Brown - a great Senator - and a must-hold seat to retain a Democratic Senate majority.

Ohio is one of those 'purple' states, that Andrea Chalupa of Gaslit Nation calls 'hostage states', because extreme gerrymandering by Republicans has created unrepresentative GOP majorities in both state houses.

But Ohioans are fighting back! Just this past summer, in a stunning pair of victories, voters defeated a Republican attempt to make citizen-led ballot initiatives virtually impossible and voted to enshrine abortion rights in their state constitution!

Help Ohio citizens continue to fight back by giving them the information and inspiration to elect a State Supreme Court that will actually protect their wishes & freedom, and to re-elect Sherrod Brown and keep the U.S. Senate blue!

For a little advance prep:
  •  here's a link to our script
  • & here's a helpful FAQ doc
Phonebank to Flip the OH Supreme Court
Thursdays, July 18 & 25 5-7pm

Click to Register in advance

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Always with a full training and loads of support!
Phonebanking in Montana and Arizona
Starting Wednesday, July 17 at 6:30PM on Zoom

With a sense of urgency in keeping the Senate blue, Christina Maxwell and I will begin phonebanking into Montana next week and Arizona very soon. Montana calling will start next Wednesday, July 17, and we're hoping to start calling into Arizona on Tuesdays very soon. We'll let you know the start date.

In 2020, Montana went +16.4 for Trump, but Jon Tester remains a long-term Democratic Senator, first elected in 2006. He is the only Democrat who holds statewide and/or congressional office in Montana. Every one of his elections has been close, and this one, being targeted by republicans, is no exception. Tester, born and raised in Montana, is a farmer and lives on land that's been in his family for more than 100 years. His opponent is now supporting Trump and his positions on many issues.

With Kristen Sinema's resignation, there is an open Senate seat in Arizona, and the presumptive Democratic nominee is Ruben Gallego (the primary is July 30, but he is the only Democratic candidate). His presumptive opponent, one of Trump's leading defenders, is well known from her former unsuccessful run for governor, then claiming fraud in the election. Later, she declined to defend a defamation suit against hers for those claims.

We'll start calling Montana next Wednesday, July 17 and as soon as we get updated information from Arizona we can start calling there on Tuesdays.

Link for Calls to Montana
Please join us starting at 6:30 pm on Wednesday, July 17, for our first phone bank for Sen. Jon Tester! We will train from 6:30-7 pm, and then make calls from 7-8:30 pm. It's fine to just show up, but to help in our planning we'd be grateful if you could let us know in advance that you're coming. If you do let us know in advance, we can send you additional information about the phone bank. Either way, please please please come on time (6:30 pm) so we can jump right in.

Here's the zoom link information:
Phonebank in Montana
Wednesday, July 17 at 6:30PM

Click to Join on Zoom

Meeting ID: 894 9041 9906
Passcode: 226590.
If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact Elizabeth:
(413) 531-9937
Limited Distribution of Letters
to Register Infrequent PA Voters
Two years ago, IN-SLWM participated in an effective project with Swing Blue Alliance to increase registration to vote by mail among infrequent PA voters.

Local activist Ellen Schwartz and the folks at VoPro Pros, an organization that works to eliminate voter suppression and support free and fair elections have organized a letter writing campaign, including data collection to gauge effectiveness. The project will involve sending these voters everything they need to register to vote by mail--application, stamped envelope, instructions.

Letter packets will be available soon both from Ellen and from Marta Lev. Watch your inbox or email Ellen ( or Marta ( to get details when signups open.

Vote Forward's 2024 letter-writing campaigns have been underway since March and IN-SLWM will be with them all the way through October. Here’s how it works:
  • Volunteers get pre-printed letters to voters with messages encouraging them to vote, which may include urging them to vote by mail, or vote early if in person, or something similar. Volunteers add a personal message about why voting is important or their own reasons for being voters. They can get their letters delivered by email to print at home or work, or by picking up printed letters at designated sites around our area.
  • Letters are held for mailing in October. Some volunteers prefer to drop off their finished letters at one of our pickup/dropoff sites for storage.
  • Volunteers generally provide their own envelopes (#10) and first-class stamps. IN-SLWM has some funds available to subsidize those who can’t afford the costs.
We provide letters to most volunteers on a weekly basis, either by email or printed for pickup. Volunteers decide how many letters they want to get each week; they can change that number at any time, and can also pause letter writing as needed, or “retire” if they’re unable to continue.

We already have more than 45 volunteers at work preparing letters. As of this writing, we have downloaded and prepared over 7,000 letters. If you would like to participate, fill out our Google Form at

If you have any questions, write to Michael
In the Streets
Interested In Canvassing In NH & NY? Sign Up Now!
Summer is here, and canvassing has started in New Hampshire’s NH-02 and New York’s NY-19. In New Hampshire, we’ll be canvassing in the state’s southwest corner, in and around Keene. In New York, we’ll canvass in Columbia County, which borders Massachusetts on the west. 

NH-02 will have an open seat with incumbent Representative Annie Kuster retiring at the end of her term. So far, there are four announced candidates for the Democratic primary in September. NY-19’s current representative is Republican Representative Marc Molinaro. Though the district voted for Joe Biden in 2020, Molinaro has voted almost 100% with the MAGA extremists in the House. We can help retire him. In both districts we’ll be canvassing to help Democrats up and down the ballot.
  • Contact Wendy Berg to volunteer in southwestern New Hampshire (Keene area).
  • Contact Michael Dover to join a listserv for information on canvassing in Columbia County, NY
There’s a lot to be done before November. This is one among many actions you can do. If it speaks to you, please sign up. Let’s win this!
Questions? Email: Michael Dover
Energize Volunteers for Voter Registration
Seven Ways to Leverage Swing Blue's New Video
To counter GOP voter suppression, Democrats need more feet on the ground, more people involved!

Recognizing this critical, time-sensitive work, Swing Blue Alliance has a succinct but powerful new video to help your group register and inform Democratic voters. Remember: People registered and paying attention to the election are more likely to vote Democratic. Watch the video here

Now you can share this video with friends and family. Click here for more information, to download the video and learn how to customized it  for your group. 
Other Ways to Pitch In
Donating for 2024
Support Movement Voter Project and Swing Left Funds
IN-SLWM’S fund drive for Movement Voter PAC and Swing Left’s Win Back the House Fund took a big leap forward in early July. Our overall total, including contributions from two matching funds, is just over $27,000. Contributions have generated $10,000 in matches – the full amount available. Thank you to everyone who has donated so far, and of course a very big THANK YOU to the donors who donated  to our matching funds.  

If you haven’t given yet, or are considering giving again, we will continue fundraising until the end of October, but earlier is always better. We have also added a fundraising link to the Biden-Harris campaign. Use the links below to donate:  
Together we can do our part to win this fall. Remember: Failure is not an option!  

In gratitude and solidarity, 
Michael Dover
Spread the Word About RISE
We all need to be supporting and promoting the work of Gen Z-led  RISE, which is doing phenomenal and impactful work helping youth register, vote, and engage with the political process! Through grants, they pay their young volunteers, so a wider range of youth can actually afford to do the work of connecting with other young people throughout the year.

Indivisible Northampton-Swing Left Western MA just hosted their CEO to speak - and she was informative and inspiring - spread the word!
The Feminist Action Team
of Indivisible Mass Coalition
Fridays at 4PM on Zoom 
Join feminists from the Berkshires to the Cape as we plan and implement actions to protect and expand our rights!  Currently, we're working to expose the deceptive practices of fake abortion clinics (aka CPC's) and strengthen women's autonomy here in MA and across the country! 'See the description of our exciting March 24th documentary screening and discussion event above

Check out our continuously updated Post ROE Action Toolkit, and come to our next meeting, at this link: 
The Friday Action Group
On Wed evenings at 8 pm or Fri mornings at 9 am, join Paul Spector and activists from across the country to collaborate on helping Democrats win elections. At Paul's meetings, you will... 
  • hear upbeat political news
  •  share questions and comments
  •  learn about new political actions
  •  support fundraisers with special guests -- such as Swing Left, Movement Voter Project, Flip the Senate, New Georgia Project, and Bucks County Democrats
  • hear inspiring music (mostly from Playing for Change). 
Here’s the link to the group's website:

Folks find his meetings educational, uplifting, and hopeful, and it's wonderful to see 50-100 other people at each of the two meetings. To check out the meeting, come Wednesday at 8 p.m. or Friday at 9 a.m. EDT, to this Zoom room:
Letters to the Editor (LTE) Writing Team
Adopt, Amend, & Send Out-Your Letter to the Editor 
Tuesday, July 16th, 7-8 PM

The IN-SLWM LTE Writing Team is an intrepid group of activists who enjoy reading, writing, and sharing ideas. We look forward to our meetings every 2 weeks on Zoom where we discuss important issues and share ideas for writing Letters to the Editor for our local papers (and beyond). 

We’ve had 40 letters published (so far!) and will write many more because we are convinced this is a valuable way to reach people in our communities, and our local politicians too. We’d welcome you to come join our meetings sometimes or often. We are proud of our work and have made new friends too.

We meet every two weeks on Tuesdays at 7:00pm (on Zoom) to strategize and plan. Our next meeting is Tuesday, July 16th at 7PM. 

Here's the zoom link:
IN-SLWM Climate Team 

The Climate Team has evolved into a new format. We’ve started a Google Group with free exchange among team members – sharing resources like links to climate-related articles and forwarding emails from climate activist groups, discussing climate topics, and continuing to post action alerts.  

For more information contact Michael Dover at
IN-SLWM Young VotersTeam
Thursday, August 1st at 7:30 PM 
We are working to develop collaborations with local student groups at the various colleges in our area.

We typically meet every 2 weeks on Thursday, but we're taking time off during July . Our next Zoom meeting is on Thursday, August 1st at 7:30 PM.

We welcome new members. 

For more information, please contact Joel Rosen at
New To Our Website IN-SLWM Events Calendar
We have added a new page to the IN-SLWM website: an Events Calendar!
  • Want to look up an event that you heard about but don’t know when it’s happening?
  • Forgot the date of an event you were planning to attend?
  • Curious about what kinds of activities we’re organizing?
Go to our website at and click on the Calendar link at the top of the home page and look it over.
You might find something you were looking for, or something you didn’t know about. In addition to events that we organize, we’ll also list some that we’re cosponsoring, like rallies and standouts. And please give us feedback if you visit that page. We want this to be useful, so let us know what you think.
This section of our newsletter features articles written by one of our subscribers and an article or two selected by our steering committee. Subscribers to the newsletter are welcome to submit writing by email to with the subject line "Newsletter Submission".  
The opinions expressed in the writings are those of the author(s) and don't necessarily reflect any consensus of Indivisible Northampton-Swing Left Western MA.

ICYMI - Videos From the Archive
Videos of previous meetings are now available on our website:

ICYMI – Indivisible Northampton – Swing Left Western MA