Indivisible Northampton – Swing Left Western Massachusetts (IN-SLWM) is a chapter of the national progressive grassroots movement Indivisible and the political action group Swing Left. We primarily serve residents of Massachusetts’ Second Congressional District (MA CD-2) and nearby residents of MA CD-1. Since much of what we do is online, we also connect with activists from across the country.
Our mission is to promote a strong and inclusive American democracy by educating and mobilizing constituents of MA CD-2 and beyond. We work to elect and hold accountable bold progressive leaders who will protect our country from the dangerous agenda of the right-wing MAGA extremists. We aim to strengthen our democratic institutions, advance social justice, protect the environment, and more. As a proud chapter of Indivisible and Swing Left, we collaborate with local, regional and national groups to build an informed, sustainable activist community.

In 2016 Indivisible Northampton formed in response to the authoritarian, racist, and corporatist agenda of Trump and his right-wing enablers. The group hosted candidate forums, policy discussions and debates, and created multiple action-oriented teams focusing on issues such as healthcare, democracy and fair elections.
In 2017, when national Swing Left asked for volunteers to host house parties as a first step toward organizing local chapters, Swing Left Pioneer Valley was formed. In 2018, the group raised money for congressional races, and canvassed and phone-banked to help take back the U.S. House of Representatives. In 2021, we changed our name to Swing Left Western Massachusetts. Indivisible Northampton and Swing Left Western Mass merged in May 2022.
IN-SLWM currently meets twice a month in online public meetings, hosting candidates, elected officials, and speakers addressing various progressive causes and legislation. We also have several action teams which focus on particular issues or tactics. Current teams include postcarding, phone banking, writing letters to local papers, and climate action. When national campaigns are in full swing, we will also have teams doing texting, letter writing (with Vote Forward), and canvassing. We collaborate with other local, statewide, and national groups for these actions.