Category: Economy

  • What does a recession look like?

    This letter to the editor appeared in the Daily Hampshire Gazette in June, 2024 According to polls, the majority of Americans believe that we are in a deep recession. Huh? What are they seeing? Do they personally know many people actively seeking employment and coming up empty? Do they see long lines at hiring events? …

  • A Potential Solution to Help the Housing Crisis: Build More College Dorms

    I am writing to offer a new and innovative solution to address the housing crisis, particularly in college towns and cities: encouraging and assisting colleges and universities with building more dormitories to accommodate their students. With the growing demand for housing in these communities, it is essential to implement forward-looking measures to alleviate the strain…

  • Corporations Are Not People

    Delaware law is now enabling artificial entities (corporations) to infiltrate town constitutions and elections. In Newark (Delaware’s third largest city) one property manager voted 31 times in a local referendum in 2018, one vote for each of their companies.   In Seaford, HS.1 may be scheduled for a Delaware House vote in June 2023. It would…

  • Fair Share Amendment and Fairness in MA taxes

    In November 2022, voters passed the Fair Share amendment to our constitution making a historic commitment to education and transportation by finally instituting a graduated tax structure to the top less than one percent in the state. Our tax structure had not been changed since the early 1900’s. No more austerity!  What a boon to…

  • Clarity on the Debt Ceiling

    Kevin McCarthy won the votes to become Speaker of the House by promising far-right Republican representatives that he would not agree to raising the debt ceiling without demanding cuts in federal spending. This would hold the government hostage until they got what they wanted. This mixes together two separate things: the debt ceiling, which must…