Category: Government

  • Congress Can and Must Reform the Extreme Court

    The U.S. Supreme Court just finished its most consequential term in decades. Its new extremist majority is out of control and is preparing to take away even more of our rights and freedoms. In a single year, six justices ended womens’ right to their personal freedom to make critical and personal decisions about their own…

  • Make the Governor’s Records Public

    Secretary of State Bill Galvin supports a bill to have the governor’s office follow the public records law. “The idea that the most powerful position in the state and its records are not subject to public scrutiny is absurd,” he said. His bill would make the governor’s office documents open to the public for the…

  • Sen. Manchin Proposes Changes to S1

    Sen. Manchin Proposes Changes to S1 From Slate, JUNE 16, 2021 4:04 PM: “Sen. Joe Manchin, who thus far has opposed Democrats’ big election reform bill, has finally made his counteroffer. On Wednesday, the West Virginian proposed a series of changes to the For the People Act that could win his vote.” The author, Richard…