Members Write

Letters to the Editor and Op-Eds from our Members

IN-SLWM members and Steering Committee members often write Letters to the Editor (LTEs)  and longer columns (op-eds) for our local papers which can also be shared nationally through the syndicating organization PeaceVoice. To join the team, please contact us here.

PLEASE NOTE The opinions expressed in these posts are strictly those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect opinions or positions held by Indivisible Northampton-Swing Left Western Mass.

  • Finally Add the Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution

    As Women’s History Month concludes, we need to take the next step to guarantee gender equality in America. The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) must be finally added to the U.S. Constitution to ensure that all Americans are treated fairly, regardless of their gender. It’s time to take action and make the ERA a reality. The…

  • Keep Mask Mandate in Healthcare Settings In Massachusetts

    Keep Mask Mandate in Healthcare Settings in Massachusetts Governor Maura Healey’s recent policy decision will not sufficiently protect those most vulnerable to Covid. The Governor announced that Massachusetts’s COVID-19 public health emergency will end May 11, 2023, the same time as the Federal Public Health Emergency.  According to the MA Association of Health Boards (MAHB),…

  • Keep Mask Mandate in Healthcare Settings

    Keep Mask Mandate in Healthcare Settings Despite our nation being divided when it comes to Covid-19 policies, one would hope that common sense would prevail to protect the most vulnerable people in our society.  According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), four in ten U.S. adults have two or more chronic diseases,…

  • Clarity on the Debt Ceiling

    Kevin McCarthy won the votes to become Speaker of the House by promising far-right Republican representatives that he would not agree to raising the debt ceiling without demanding cuts in federal spending. This would hold the government hostage until they got what they wanted. This mixes together two separate things: the debt ceiling, which must…

  • Save Us From the Debt Limit Crisis

    In an act of legislative negligence, the 117th Congress didn’t raise the debt ceiling when the Democrats controlled the House and Senate. If they had done their duty, Republican extremists wouldn’t be able to use the debt ceiling threat to force negotiations with what economist Paul Krugman calls “…economic terrorists… A party that barely holds…