Members Write

Letters to the Editor and Op-Eds from our Members

IN-SLWM members and Steering Committee members often write Letters to the Editor (LTEs)  and longer columns (op-eds) for our local papers which can also be shared nationally through the syndicating organization PeaceVoice. To join the team, please contact us here.

PLEASE NOTE The opinions expressed in these posts are strictly those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect opinions or positions held by Indivisible Northampton-Swing Left Western Mass.

  • Please Pay Attention to the Debt Crisis

    The MAGA House Republicans are holding the United States hostage by refusing to pass or discuss the administration budget. They are playing dangerous games by pushing the country towards default. If we do not pay our debts, our international standing will decrease and it will cost us more to borrow money. It is not in…

  • Ban Assault Weapons

    In addition to the recent carnage in Nashville, last Spring 18 year-old shooters in separate incidents killed 10 adults in Buffalo, NY, and 19 children and 2 adults in Uvalde, TX, ten days apart. Both shooters were using semi-automatic guns. Nationwide there are over 415 million guns circulating in our towns and cities, 25 million…

  • Rupert Murdoch Owes Us an Apology

    Rupert Murdoch and Fox News owe us, the American people, an apology. If you are like me, you really hate to be lied to. I remember telling my young son when he lied to me once, “You have damaged my trust in you; that trust will have to be rebuilt.”  Rupert Murdoch admitted in sworn…

  • Fair Share Amendment and Fairness in MA taxes

    In November 2022, voters passed the Fair Share amendment to our constitution making a historic commitment to education and transportation by finally instituting a graduated tax structure to the top less than one percent in the state. Our tax structure had not been changed since the early 1900’s. No more austerity!  What a boon to…

  • Another State of the Union Address

    Two months after Biden’s State of the Union address here is another address: Ladies and Gentleman, I want to inform you that the State of the Union has weakened. Not since the time of the Civil War has our country been so divided. Our divisions today are fracturing our country and approaching the gravity of…