Members Write

Letters to the Editor and Op-Eds from our Members

IN-SLWM members and Steering Committee members often write Letters to the Editor (LTEs)  and longer columns (op-eds) for our local papers which can also be shared nationally through the syndicating organization PeaceVoice. To join the team, please contact us here.

PLEASE NOTE The opinions expressed in these posts are strictly those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect opinions or positions held by Indivisible Northampton-Swing Left Western Mass.

  • Scandal in the Supreme Court

    The Supreme Court seems to pile scandals on top of scandals with no one to reign in its members.  Justice Clarence Thomas has enriched himself and his family by accepting gifts worth more than ten million dollars from rich Republican mega donors in the form of private flights, luxury yacht vacations, a bible owned by…

  • Requiem for a Healthcare non-system- America’s

    Two recent news stories got my attention. The first was about the creation of “Maternity Deserts” (60 Minutes 4/30 and others). These large areas in America totally lack maternity care and have become  more common because financial entities are closing maternity services in rural hospitals because they don’t make enough profit..  The second described for-profit…

  • Keep Church and State Separate

    Jains (jaynz), people who follow the religion of Jainism (jaynizm), cannot eat meat because violence towards all living things is forbidden. Imagine that six Jains, who are Supreme Court judges, rule that the right to eat meat is no longer protected by the Constitution. Imagine the governor of Texas, also a Jain, bans meat and…

  • Standout against Anti-Abortion “Crisis Pregnancy Centers”

    In these fraught times when women’s reproductive health in much of the country is subject to legislative fiat and women are criminalized for seeking standard reproductive healthcare, in Massachusetts our state legislature has been at the forefront in defending women’s healthcare and reproductive rights.  Among the organizations opposing this effort in Massachusetts, are 30 or…

  • An Open Letter to President Biden

    I congratulate and support you on your decision to run for reelection. The legislation and policies you have implemented are already strengthening the country economically, environmentally and morally. However, the extremist MAGA Republicans controlling the House of Representatives are threatening to dismantle the progress that you and the Democratic-led Congress of 2021-22 have accomplished. If…